The importance of using quality Dental burs at the correct speed

For dentists, the use of dental burs is an essential part of their daily routine. These small, rotating instruments are used in a variety of dental procedures, including removing decay, shaping teeth and preparing surfaces for restoration work. However, the speed at which these burs are used is just as important as the technique itself. Here we discuss why it is important to use dental burs at the correct speed.



Numerous cheap dental burs are manufactured either in China or Israel. The usage of raw materials to produce the stainless steel shanks often results in many difficulties. The shanks are pre-cut before the bonding process, which can cause defects to the burs. Some of these defects include snapping at the neck, damage that renders them lacking in concentricity and different diameters. These issues increase vibration, thereby necessitating frequent replacement of bearings in dental handpieces.

Another issue surrounding cheap dental burs is associated with the type of diamonds utilized. Notably, very affordable alternatives mainly use synthetic diamonds which tend to become blunt after a few uses, compelling one to exert significant pressure to cut. This pressure generates heat and vibration, not to mention an uneven spread of diamonds around the shank which causes inefficiency, not to mention a  strain on the dental handpiece.


  1. Efficiency

Dental burs are designed to run at specific speeds. Running the bur at the wrong speed not only reduces the efficiency of the instrument but can also lead to damage to the bur. When the bur is spinning at the right speed, it is more effective in removing decay or shaping teeth, and it also helps to extend the life of the bur itself.

  1. Safety

In addition to efficiency, using dental burs at the correct speed is also an important safety consideration. If the bur is running too slowly, it can cause overheating and damage to the tooth, leading to further complications. Conversely, if the bur is running too fast, it can cause discomfort and even trauma to the patient.

  1. Accuracy

Dental work requires a high level of accuracy and precision, and this is where the correct speed of the bur comes into play. Using the bur at the correct speed ensures that the dentist can achieve accurate and precise results, whether it is removing decay, shaping teeth or preparing surfaces for restoration work.

  1. Comfort for the patient

Dental procedures can be stressful and uncomfortable for the patient. The correct speed of the dental bur can help to reduce the discomfort experienced by the patient. If the bur is running too fast, the patient may experience discomfort due to the heat generated, and if it is running too slow, it can cause discomfort due to the prolonged duration of the procedure.

In conclusion,

The importance of using dental burs at the correct speed cannot be overstated. It not only ensures that the dentist can work efficiently and accurately, but it also ensures the safety and comfort of the patient. Therefore, it is essential for dentists to pay careful attention to the speed of the dental bur during any procedure.  Its also important to add the long and sharp instruments tend to vibrate, should the recommended speed by ignored it could result in damaging the bur.  It is also important that should you use a Dental bur wider than the shank the speed should also be reduced, exceeding the manufactures guidelines can result in damage to the shank resulting to possible breakage to the Bur.

Finally it is extremely important not to apply to much force to the Dental bur to try and increase the cutting efficiency, this could lead to your Dental bur breaking midway through your procedure and also creating unwanted ware and tear for your Dental handpiece not to mention damaging your Dental bur.  The maximum pressure you should apply to your Dental bur should not exceed more than 2 newtons of pressure (200 grams).

Below is a guide for the recommended speed for Frank Dental Burs Diamond Burs

Extra Coarse (Black band) Optimal Speed 160,000RPM – Maximum Speed 225,000RPM

Coarse (Green band) Optimal Speed 160,000RPM – Maximum Speed 225,000RPM

Medium Grit (Blue band) Optimal Speed 160,000RPM – Maximum Speed 225,000RPM

Fine Grit (Red band) Optimal Speed 40,000RPM – Maximum Speed 80,000RPM

Extra Fine Grit (Yellow band) Optimal Speed 20,000RPM – Maximum Speed 40,000RPM

Please contact us for specific speed for your Frank Dental bur as each bur varies depending on the length, diameter and grit.

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